KIS Office will be closed Monday February 17th 2025 for Family Day. We will reopen Tuesday February 18th. Have a Safe Holiday!!
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00

Saturday 09:00 - 16:00 (Appointments only)

(613) 548-3364

422-797 Princess St

Kingston, K7L1G1


For Patients

Kingston Imaging Services  >  For Patients

Patient Portal

Uninsured Services

Please note that the following services are not insured by OHIP, and a fee will be charged to the pstirny. Please see below for pricing details.

Sinus X-Rays

X008 – $75.00

Chest X-Ray for Immigration Purposes

X090 – $80.00

Consultation Reports for Chiropractic Exams


If you are having any of the above examinations, you will be required to give verbal consent to proceed with the examination, and that you also agree to pay the associated fee.

Should you have any questions or concerns in regarded to the above fees, please feel free to reach out to the Ministry of Health’s Protecting Access to Public Healthcare Program by email: or by phone: 1-888-662-6613

Patient Survey

Please take a moment to complete this survey after your examination.

Start Patient Survey

Complaint Process

At Kingston Imaging Services we are committed to ensuring that all patient complaints are dealt with thoroughly and promptly.

If you have a complaint concerning the care you received, or in regard to the operation of our clinic, please feel fee to contact our Management Team by email at, or feel free to give your details to one of our staff members who will pass on your information to the Management Team.

Every complaint will be diligently investigated. We are committed to providing timely resolutions and you will be promptly notified of the progress and outcome within 10 days time.

If for some reason you are not happy with the resolution of the complaint, or you feel we have not dealt with the complaint in a timely fashion, it is your right to bring you complaint to the Patient Ombudsman under the Excellent Care for All Act, 2010.

Patient Ombudsman

Mail: Box 130, 77 Wellesley Street West. Toronto, ON. M7A 1N3

Phone: 1-416-507-0339

Preparation – ultrasound

Preparation for Obstetric Ultrasounds

For Pregnancy under 30 weeks
  • This exam requires a full bladder
  • Please finish 1 litre of water 60 minutes prior to your appointment time
  • Do not empty your bladder until procedure is completed
  • If your bladder is not completely filled the exam may need to be rescheduled
For Pregnancy over 30 weeks
  • This exam requires a partially full bladder
  • Finish 500 ml of water 60 min prior to your appointment time
  • Do not empty your bladder until procedure is completed

FAQs about Obstetric Ultrasounds

1. How long does an obstetric ultrasound take?

  • A typical ultrasound takes about 20-45 minutes, depending on the stage of pregnancy and the type of ultrasound.

2. Can ultrasounds detect all fetal abnormalities?

  • No, ultrasounds can detect many but not all abnormalities. Some conditions may require additional tests for confirmation.

3. Is there any preparation required before an ultrasound?

  • For transabdominal ultrasounds, you might need a full bladder to improve image quality. Transvaginal ultrasounds usually require no special preparation.

4. Are ultrasounds covered by insurance?

  • Most health insurance plans cover necessary obstetric ultrasounds, but it’s best to confirm with your provider.

Pelvic Ultrasound With and Without Transvaginal

FAQs and Preparation for Pelvic Ultrasounds

1. Is a pelvic ultrasound safe?

  • Yes, pelvic ultrasounds are considered safe as they use sound waves, not radiation.

2. How do I prepare for a pelvic ultrasound?

  • For transabdominal ultrasound, a full bladder is often needed. Transvaginal ultrasound typically requires an empty bladder.

3. Can I have both types of ultrasounds in one session?

  • Yes, it is common to have both to provide comprehensive evaluation.

4. Will the ultrasound diagnose all pelvic issues?

  • While ultrasounds can detect many conditions, some issues may require additional tests for confirmation.

Abdominal Ultrasound

Preparation: Do not eat, drink, chew gum, or smoke for 6 hours before your appointment, but you may take medication with a small sip of water if necessary.

Small Parts Ultrasound

Preparation: Minimal preparation is required, but specific instructions might be given based on the area being examined.

Breast Ultrasound

Preparation: Little preparation is required. The patient may be asked to remove clothing and jewelry from the waist up.

Vascular (Veins and Artery) Ultrasound

Preparation: Usually minimal; patients may be advised to wear comfortable clothing.

MSK (Musculoskeletal) Ultrasound

Preparation: The area to be examined is exposed and possibly cleaned. A conductive gel is applied to facilitate sound wave transmission.

Preparation – X – Ray

What to Expect During Your X-Ray

  • Preparation: Generally, no special preparation is needed for an X-ray. However, you may be asked to remove any jewelry or metallic objects that could interfere with the image quality.
  • Procedure: The procedure is quick and straightforward. You’ll be positioned by a technologist who will guide you through the process. The X-ray itself takes only a few seconds.
  • Comfort: Our rooms are designed to provide comfort and ease. We encourage you to ask questions or express any concerns to our staff, who are here to assist you at every step.

X- Ray Frequently Asked Questions

How safe are X-rays?

X-rays are safe and commonly used in medical diagnostics. At KIS, we use the latest technology to minimize radiation exposure while maintaining image quality.

Will I need to make an appointment for an X-ray?

While walk-ins are welcome, we recommend making an appointment to ensure a timely visit. This helps us provide you with the best possible care and reduces wait times.

Can I get a copy of my X-ray images?

Absolutely! We provide digital copies of your images and reports. Register with Pocket Health app which offers FREE access to your medical records

Do I need a referral for an X-ray?

In most cases, a referral from your doctor is required for an X-ray. Please contact us if you have any questions about the referral process.

Preparation -Bone Mineral Densitometry (BMD)

BMD Test Procedure

  1. Preparation: No special preparation is required. Patients may be advised to avoid calcium supplements before the test.
  2. During the Test: The patient lies on a padded table while the scanner passes over the body. It is a quick procedure, usually taking about 10-30 minutes.
  3. After the Test: Results are often discussed during a follow-up appointment, where the healthcare provider explains the T-score and Z-score, and advises on further steps if necessary.

Preparation – Echocardiogram

What to Expect During the Procedure

The echocardiogram procedure is painless and typically takes 30 to 60 minutes. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Preparation: You will be asked to lie on a table, and a technician will apply a gel to your chest to enhance sound wave transmission.
  2. Imaging: The technician will move a handheld device called a transducer across your chest. The transducer emits sound waves that bounce off your heart and create live images on a monitor.
  3. Breathing: You may be asked to change positions or hold your breath briefly to capture clearer images.
  4. Analysis: After the test, the images are analyzed by a cardiologist to provide detailed insights into your heart’s health

Preparation – Vascular (Veins and Artery) Ultrasound

Preparation for the Procedure

Preparing for a vascular ultrasound is straightforward and generally requires minimal effort from the patient:

  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown during the procedure.
  • Fasting: Typically, no fasting is required, but your doctor may provide specific instructions depending on the area being examined.
  • Medications: Continue to take prescribed medications unless instructed otherwise by your healthcare provider.
  • Personal Items: Remove any jewelry or accessories that may interfere with the ultrasound process.

What to Expect During the Ultrasound

The vascular ultrasound procedure is safe, painless, and usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the specific area being examined. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Positioning: You will lie on an examination table, and a trained sonographer will apply a warm, water-based gel to the skin over the area to be examined. This gel helps the ultrasound transducer glide smoothly and improve sound wave transmission.
  2. Imaging: The sonographer will move the transducer over the skin, capturing real-time images of your blood vessels. You may hear pulse-like sounds during the examination as the machine records blood flow.
  3. Comfort: You may be asked to change positions or hold your breath for a short time to obtain clearer images. Rest assured, the sonographer will ensure you are comfortable throughout the process.
  4. Post-Procedure: After the procedure, the gel will be wiped off your skin, and you can resume normal activities immediately. There are no known risks associated with vascular ultrasound, making it a safe option for patients of all ages.

Patient’s Bill of Rights

All patients that are served by  Kingston Imaging Services  have the;

  1. Right to be Treated with Respect.
  2. Right to Safety and Protection from Harm.
  3. Right to Dignity, Independence, and Self Determination.
  4. Right to High Quality Services that Comply with Standards.
  5. Right to Clear and Supportive Communication.
  6. Right to be Fully Informed.
  7. Right to Direct Treatment Decisions.
  8. Right to Support.
  9. Right to Make a Complaint.


Right to be treated with Respect

Every patient:

  1. Is a person first, with the right to this recognition and to respect before the law;
  2. Has the right to be treated without bias, and with sensitivity to the effects that a history of marginalization and discrimination may have on their well-being;
  3. Has the right to be treated without discrimination, and to have their culture, spirituality, atheism, or identity respected;
  4. Has the right to be treated with kindness and compassion, and to be allowed a range of feelings and to receive validation for those feelings, without negative consequences for their expression; and
  5. Has the right to have their time valued.


Right to Freedom from harm

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to protection from abuse, indifference, denial of care, retribution, punishment, and unjustified interventions;
  2. Has the right to the least restrictive environment and to be offered the least intrusive treatment;
  3. Has the right to be free from restraint in accordance with the law, and be restrained only after all efforts to reach resolution and de-escalation have been tried. Patients will be informed how to be released from restraint, will be offered a supportive and respectful debriefing, and will be involved in reviewing and revising their care plan if needed; and


Right to Dignity, Independence and Self-Determination

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to all freedoms in accordance with the law;
  2. Has the right to receive rights advice in accordance with legislated rights when decisions are made that impact their liberty, for example when detained involuntarily, being found incapable of making decisions about treatment or property, or when a Community Treatment Order is issued or renewed;
  3. Has the right to treatment and services that preserve and enhance dignity, independence, and self-determination;
  4. Has the right to have their privacy respected in the company of other people;
  5. Has the right to have access to their spiritual care or cultural advisors, and to exercise religious, spiritual, and cultural observances, rituals, customs, diet, and dress;
  6. Has the right to retain and use personal possessions – except where it may pose a risk of harm to themselves or others.
  7. Has the right to privately access toilet facilities;
  8. Has the right to self-identify and be recognized for their gender, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation, including but not limited to name, pronouns, and expression.


Right to Quality Services that Comply with Standards

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to fair and equal access to services
  2. Has the right to be treated with fairness, in a manner that is respectful of patient-identified needs and preferences;
  3. Has the right to have their health record include only relevant facts, and not speculation or prejudice;
  4. Has the right to provide feedback about their care and to participate in opportunities aimed at improving the quality of services.
  5. Has the right to seek an additional medical opinion


Right to Clear and Supportive Communication


Every patient:

  1. Has the right to clear, honest, direct and supportive communication with service providers that recognizes and seeks to mitigate the power imbalance and its impact (e.g., clear language, transparency, how to participate to reach own ends, etc.);
  2. Has the right to collaborative and patient-centered engagement through all aspects of care; and


Right to be informed

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to be informed about and offered a copy of this Bill;
  2. or substitute decision-maker (SDM), has the right to information (in writing, if requested) , about:
    1. the perceived problem, diagnosis or condition, and proposed treatment;
    2. alternative options/treatments, including none;
  3. the results any of tests and procedures; and
  4. responses to requests for additional information about any of the above.
  5. Has the right to meaningful answers to questions about services, including requests for:
    1. the full name, qualifications, and scope of practice of the provider;
    2. where to access additional information and how to obtain an opinion from another provider; and
  6. Has the right to view their health record and be informed how to access it;
  7. Has a right to information about implied consent, and how the clinic may collect, use and share health information with internal and external providers;
  8. Has a right to be told if their information is lost, stolen or shared without authorization;
  9. Has the right to correct their health record or to add a statement of disagreement in accordance with the law, and to choose to secure part(s) of their record for additional privacy under a Consent Directive where the law permits; and
  10. Has the right to information if requested about relevant clinical services, such as rules, policies, procedures and any applicable rights, and have access to that information in writing and/or online (if available).


Right to Direct Treatment Decisions

Every patient:

  1. If capable, has the right to direct their service by making decisions about any proposed treatment and to ask staff for information (in writing, if requested) that is needed to understand and make decisions (i.e., about service recommendations) and to receive it;
  2. Unless found incapable, is presumed to have capacity to make treatment decisions;
  3. If found incapable, has the right to expect that their SDM will make decisions on their behalf in accordance with their legal obligations (including taking into account any prior wishes expressed by the patient while capable that apply in the circumstances);
  4. If capable, must give voluntary, informed consent before each treatment or plan of treatment can commence and has the right to withdraw that consent at any time. This right cannot be waived; and
  5. If capable, has the right to receive support from family members/friends in making their decisions about treatment, and to be given time to discuss and make such decisions.


Right to Support

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to request that a third party be present during a physical examination;
  2. Has the right to access supports with all possible privacy and confidentiality when needed;


Right to make a complaint

Every patient:

  1. Has the right to make a complaint, raise concerns, and recommend changes without fear of interference, coercion, or reprisal;
  2. Has the right to make a complaint and give feedback through the clinic’s Patient Complaint Process
  3. Has the right to get rights advice and raise concerns or make a complaint through the Ministry of Health Ontario Patient Ombudsman Office
  4. Has the right to provide oral or written complaints;
  5. Has the right to be supported by a family member or friend in making or pursuing a complaint;
  6. Can make a complaint to any other service provider or organization (e.g., Patient Ombudsman or professional regulatory Colleges, etc.); and